Title: Going Through the Motions Rating: PG-13 Author: sxymami0909 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean, Adam Word Count: 805 Prompt: “Awkward brother bonding” written for jaffatech for winning the Featured Video of the Month Contest
Title: Rescuing a Traitor Rating: PG-13 Author: sxymami0909 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Ana, Gabriel, Jo Word Count: 880 Prompt: “Anna meets Jo in heaven while escaping” from mercuries
Title: Second Chances Rating: PG-13 Author: sxymami0909 Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Jo-Centric, Gabriel Word Count: 660 Prompt: “Jo, she didn’t see Ash or her father where she was…where was that again?” from karahalliwell